Vedúci laboratória: | MSc. Djeylan Vincent Ceylan Aktas, PhD. |
Laboratory of Quantum Photonics

- Various optical systems (bulk, integrated optics & electronics) including large items such as 2 Polatis optical matrix switches (one 48×48 Series 6000 Ultra, one 16×16 Quantum grade), and 3 lasers.
Laser systems

- System TA PRO with DLC pro 4W laser @775nm with isolator, high power diode and MOPA system.
- MAtriQ laser 1000 series (CW) tunable source, narrow linewidth (100kHz) and 0.01 pm resolution. 1x C-band and 1L-band devices with whisper mode package together for wide range scanning.
- SCL-band high power CW tunable laser T500S (1460-1640nm) with polarization maintaining fiber and scan speed 200 nm/s.
Entangled photon pairs source

- Entangle photon pairs source based on Lithium Niobate Bulk crystal (PPLN) placed in a Sagnac configuration to produce maximally entangled state in polarization.
Detectors stations

- 7 Single Quantum Single Nanowire Superconductive Photo-Detectors (SNSPD) systems. Each comprise of a cryostat hosting 4 detectors, an electronic Atlas 440 driver, a Pfeiffer HiCube 80 Eco vacuum pump, a CAN-11 Helium compressor and a Swabian Instruments Time Tagger Ultra. Two of these systems are deployed outside RCQI premises (ILC & Trnava University).
Pedagogical demonstrations

- Complete table top setup quED V3.2 HR motorized to produce and measure entangled photon pairs for lab courses.
- quED-MI one manual and one motorized version Michelson interferometer addons for quED HR.
- quED-QKD motorized addon for demonstrating Quantum Key Distribution.
- quED-HBT addon comprised of a beamsplitter and 3rd detector for single photons to demonstrate quantum features in light statistic.
- quED-HOM motorized addon setup for showing Hong-Ou-Mandel 2-phonton interferences with the quED.