International projects

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NOMAGRAD - Design of novel materials-based high performance magnetic gradiometer
Duration: 1. 4. 2024 - 31. 3. 2027
Evidence number:
Program: Iné
Project leader: Ing. Švec Peter, DrSc.
SAS cosolvers: Ing. Gejdoš Janotová Irena, PhD., RNDr. Janičkovič Dušan, Prof. Plevachuk Yuriy, DrSc., Ing Švec Jr. Peter, PhD.
Partner countries: Turkey
NanoSpace - Carbon molecular nanostructures in space
Duration: 27. 10. 2022 - 26. 10. 2026
Evidence number: CA21126
Program: COST
Project leader: Dr. Rer. Nat. Šiffalovič Peter, DrSc.
Annotation: The aim of NanoSpace is to determine the abundance, formation mechanisms and astrochemical role of carbonaceous nanoparticles in space. Carbon is ubiquitous in space; from small carbon and hydrocarbon molecules to fullerenes and large but currently unidentified polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, carbonaceous dust particles and ultimately life. The clear identification of C60 in the interstellar medium and around planetary nebulae has provided us with a tangible key to unlock the mysteries and complexities of cosmic carbon. We will exploit this opportunity through the synergistic combination of expertise from observational astronomy, laboratory astrophysics, spectroscopy, molecular reaction dynamics, theoretical chemistry, data science, synthetic chemistry, material science and astrobiology. This Action will provide a common basis for the different communities to interact and learn from each other, training a new generation of researchers with the laboratory, theoretical, observational and numerical skills to drive the field forward. The leading role of European researchers in this new field will be enhanced by integrating teams from ITC and involving and enabling early career researchers to take leading roles. The potential of current and upcoming observational satellites and large-scale user facilities will be fully exploited to understand the formation and astrochemical consequences of complex cosmic nano-carbons. NanoSpace will have a significant legacy, delivering the scientific community with a structured database containing relevant information on nano-carbons for use in future projects, providing new tools and knowledge to unravel key mysteries in astrochemistry and a new generation of interdisciplinary researchers with valuable translational skills to drive socioeconomic development.
Project website:
SeCCQT - Secure Communication via Classical and Quantum Technologies
Duration: 30. 3. 2023 - 28. 2. 2026
Evidence number: NATO SPS G5985
Program: NATO
Project leader: MSc. Aktas Djeylan Vincent Ceylan, PhD.
SAS cosolvers: MSc. Aktas Djeylan Vincent Ceylan, PhD., Ferreira Borges Gilberto, PhD., Mgr. Rapčan Peter, PhD., Salari Saeid, PhD.
Annotation: The project emphasizes the integration of PQC with QKD at the protocol level. As a testbed for a hybrid network, we will implement two simple QKD links – one in the Slovak Republic and one in the United States.
Partner countries: Finland, Slovakia, Spain, United States
skQCI - Slovak quantum communication infrastructure
Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number: DIGITAL-2021-QCI-01 No. 101091548
Program: Horizont Európa
Project leader: MSc. Aktas Djeylan Vincent Ceylan, PhD.
SAS cosolvers: MSc. Aktas Djeylan Vincent Ceylan, PhD., Prof. RNDr. Bužek Vladimír, DrSc., Ferreira Borges Gilberto, PhD., Prof. RNDr. Grajcar Miroslav, DrSc., Ing. Kumar Lingraj, Ing. Lacko Dušan , doc. Ing. Lacko Peter, PhD., Mgr. Rapčan Peter, PhD., Salari Saeid, PhD., Mgr. Sedlák Michal, PhD.
Annotation: This project is a continuation of the effort started with the collaboration between Vienna, Austria (IQOQI) and Bratislava, Slovakia (IP SAS) quantum information research groups which produced the first international QKD link between the two countries in an effort to start realising the Quapital consortium’s ( vision for a quantum network. The goal is to use the same hardware and technology for the implementation of various entanglement-based QKD protocols in order to populate, in this first phase, 6 nodes across Slovakia, thus creating the backbone of a national quantum network. The chosen approach will not only meet the criteria of this call for connecting several European cities with QKD links but will also lay the foundation for the next steps in achieving a quantum internet that goes beyond simple cryptographic tasks, providing us with the opportunity to consider other quantum communication protocols in the future. The objective of building this infrastructure within the duration of this project will also be accompanied by the development of our own superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors and cryogenic systems which will help accommodate the needs of a growing quantum network beyond the timeline of this funded research. Such R&D may have lesser funding opportunities in the second phase of EuroQCI or that later phase may simply be more focused on the upper layers of the quantum network infrastructure. The present project is enabling Slovakia to actively participate in the EuroQCI European mission by developing quantum communication technologies and helping to establish a training research centre that will be beneficial for the whole Central-European territory, creating a sustainable knowledge-based ecosystem for future quantum engineers.
Project website:
Targeted Defect Passivation in Thin Perovskite Films
Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number: CAS-SAS-2022-04
Program: Mobility
Project leader: RNDr. Mrkývková Naďa, PhD.
Partner countries: Czech Republic
Pb-free-PSC - Highly efficient and stable lead-free perovskite solar cells with optimized non-radiative recombination
Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:
Program: Bilaterálne - iné
Project leader: Dr. Rer. Nat. Šiffalovič Peter, DrSc.
Other cosolvers: Prof. Yulia Galagan
Annotation: Development of highly efficient (PCE > 14%) and stable (lifetime > 1000 hours) lead-free perovskite solar cells. The ultimate goal will be achieved by replacing lead (Pb) with tin (Sn) to solve toxicity problems and using mixed 2D/3D Sn-based perovskites to solve stability problems. In order to achieve high PCE with Sn-based 2D/3D perovskites, this project will focus on the design of novel, highly efficient and stable lead-free 2D/3D perovskite absorbers and engineered interfaces by incorporating low-dimensional materials such as MXenes and passivating HTL/ETL interfaces post-growth.
Partner countries: Taiwan
PeDET - Perovskites Quantum Dots based Broadband Detectors – from a quantum dot to a functional detector
Duration: 1. 11. 2021 - 31. 10. 2024
Evidence number:
Program: Bilaterálne - iné
Project leader: Dr. Rer. Nat. Šiffalovič Peter, DrSc.
Annotation: Metal halide perovskites belong to a group of materials with remarkable properties for photovoltaic and photodetective applications due to their unique optoelectronic properties and highly desirable, simple and inexpensive fabrication process. Their narrowband emission and tunable color properties make them suitable for use in solar cells, light emitting diodes (LEDs) or spectrometers with a working spectral region in the NIR-VIS-UV. On the other hand, the high atomic number of perovskite semiconductors extends their use in the X-ray region. Despite the tremendous progress in bulk perovskite-based devices, their instability in the environment and potential formation of structural defects during multiple bending discriminates them for use in bendable devices. Recently, perovskite quantum dots (PeQDs) have emerged as a zero-dimensional variant of perovskites that offer the desired properties of mechanical flexibility and durability without sacrificing performance. In addition, the combination of low cost, processability in solution and excellent photovoltaic performance makes PeQDs a great alternative to standard semiconductors, especially in the area of sensitive and flexible broadband detectors. This project brings together five different research groups and creates a platform to share their existing expertise in the synthesis, preparation and characterisation of photovoltaic and photodetective structures based on PeQDs. The exchange of existing expertise will enhance current knowledge and lead to an innovative, flexible PeQDs-based detector with extended sensitivity in the X-ray region.
Partner countries: Czech Republic, Hungary, Japan, Poland
EsSENce - High-performance Carbon-based composites with Smart properties for Advanced Sensing Applications
Duration: 21. 10. 2020 - 20. 10. 2024
Evidence number: CA19118
Program: COST
Project leader: Dr. Rer. Nat. Šiffalovič Peter, DrSc.
Annotation: The goal of EsSENce is to develop an innovation scientific hub at European and International level, focusing on advanced composite materials reinforced with Carbon based (nano)materials (CNMs). The sharing of ideas and results will boost the development of high-performance composites with sensing properties. Special focus will be given in the utilisation of these materials for the introduction of smart properties to the final composites and their application in the field of sensors development. The aim of EsSENce hub, defined as a collaborative community, is to gather together scientific partners, research groups, technology providers and industrial key players aiming to enhance creativity and collaboration among them, by positioning the entrepreneurial individuals at the centre. Indeed, by building a community with diversity both in the broad sense (gender, ethnicity) and with regards to heterogeneous knowledge, the emergence of novel ideas and practices is fostered thus leading to unique and viable innovations. EsSENce activities will focus on the promotion of the successful results from the involved partners and the utilization of the synergistic effect to improve exploitation and dissemination of knowledge. Dissemination and management actions will be organised to attract the interest of research and industry for higher awareness. The intention is to enable as many groups as possible to participate in a highly integrated innovation environment, which will develop Workgroups, will organize Workshops and Conferences, as well as Training Schools and Seminars. EsSENce will promote mobility among researchers, junior scientists and students working on these fields, while promoting contacts with related industries.
Project website: