Head of laboratory: | Mgr. Martin Venhart, PhD. |
The laboratory is equipped with two electrostatic accelerators at low energies, a set of detectors to measure X-rays, gamma rays, charged particles and neutrons. For processing the signal from the detectors Digital and Analog electronics is available. The laboratory is equipped also with powerfull working station to process the information from experiments.
Tandem electrostatic accelerator of Tandetron® type

Tandem electrostatic accelerator of Tandetron® type with terminal voltage up to 2 MV. It is equipped with ion source, enabling the production of beams of protons, deuterons and alpha particles with an energy between 100 keV – 4 MeV (up to 6 MeV for alpha particles).
Open-air electrostatic accelerator of charged particles
Open-air electrostatic accelerator of charged particles with a maximum accelerating voltage of 250 kV. It is capable to accelerate light ions as H, D.
Resource: PVC HAJE
Detectors of nuclear radiation with electronics
Analytical X-ray microscope Horiba XGT 7200
Analytický RTG mikroskop Horiba XGT 7200 umožňujúci prvkovú analýzu vzoriek, meranie hrúbky terčov a pod.
Tape transport system TATRA

Tape transport system TATRA originally developed for the experiment IS521 at CERN-ISOLDE facility. The system allows the transport of radioactive samples generated beam deposition on the metal strip. The unique properties of vacuum and radiation resistance of the materials that have been specially developed for this purpose, the IP SAS, makes this system one of the best of its kind in the world
Resource: Own research
Digital data collection system from radiation detectors
Digital data collection system from radiation detectors based on the digitizer Pixie-16. The system is equipped with three cards of the same type (i. e., 48 channels) with a frequency of 250 MHz and a resolution of 14 bit. Digitizers are accompanied by a time-to-digital converter type Acquiris with a resolution of 5 ps and 12 independent channels. The whole system works on PXI bus type that control and communicate with a PC via fiber optic cable.
Analog data collection system
Analog data collection system based on an amplitude-to-digital converter with 4096 channels is based on CAMAC format.
Resource: PVC HAJE
Planar Si(Li) detector
Planar Si(Li) detector with a thickness of 5 mm and a surface area of 80 mm2 with a removable beryllium windows, and cooled with liquid nitrogen. The detector can be used to measure gamma radiation at low energy, and detecting the conversion electrons with high resolution. The detector is placed in the shift cryostat, which allows the separation of the vacuum in the measurement chamber.
Resource: PVC HAJE
Field of LaBr3(Ce) scintillation detectors
Field of LaBr3(Ce) scintillation detectors. The detectors are characterized by rapid response and a relatively good energy resolution.
Resource: ALLEGRO
Field of coaxial germanium detectors
The field of coaxial germanium detectors, consisting of one detector of p-type with a relative efficiency of 80%, and three n-type detectors with a relative efficiency of 70%. All detectors are equipped with electric cooling without using liquid nitrogen.
Simulation and evaluation of experimental data
Powerful workstation
Powerful workstation allowing massive parallel calculations. The system is equipped with four co-processor Xeon Phi card type. Each card contains 61 cores, each core enables simultaneous launch of four computing threads. Each card comes with 32 GB of memory. In addition to cards the system contains two 8-core processors of Xeon type.
Resource: PVC HAJE
Workstation for analysis of experimental data. The system is equipped with the Intel Six-Core i7 with a frequency of 3.2 GHz, 64 GB of memory and a total of 9.5 TB of disk space (1TB user disk, 500 gigabytes of solid-state drive and eight gigabytes of data space consists of eight drives at 10 krpm operating in fast mode RAID0).
Resource: PVC HAJE
The projects on which the infrastructure was obtained
- DOBUDOVANIE – Building infrastructure of IP SAS in the areas of research and diagnostic of nanoparticles, nanomaterials and materials using the methods of nuclear physics, ITMS 26210120023
- PVC HAJE – Industrial research center of security risks of accidents with loss of coolant in nuclear power plants, ITMS 26220220147
- ALLEGRO – Research centre Allegro, ITMS 26220220198