Staff and Personal Pages

e-mailIng. Matej Jergel, Dr.Sc. (Head)

e-mailDr. Rer. Nat. P. Šiffalovič, Ph.D. (Deputy Head)
e-mailRNDr. Katarína Gmucová, Ph.D.
e-mailIng. Yuriy Halahovets, Ph.D.
e-mailRNDr. Monika Hofbauerova, Ph.D.
e-mailMgr. Adriana Hvizdošová Annušová, Ph.D.
e-mailIng. Ján Ivančo, Ph.D.
e-mailIng. Anna Kálosi, Ph.D.
e-mailProf. Ing. Š. Luby, Dr.Sc. Prof. Ing. Š. Luby, D.Sc.
e-mailRNDr. Eva Majková, Dr.Sc.
e-mailRNDr. Naďa Mrkývková, Ph.D.
e-mailMgr. Peter Nádaždy, Ph.D.
e-mailIng. Vojtech Nádaždy, Ph.D.
e-mailMgr. Karol Végsö, Ph.D.
e-mailMSc. Ayyanusamy Poongodi, PhD. student
e-mailMSc. Muhammad Arslan Raza, PhD. student
e-mailMgr. Daniel Truchan, PhD. student

Research groups

Application of X-ray scattering to in-situ and in-operando time-resolved studies of perovskite photovoltaic structures and solid-state batteries

P. Šiffalovič, N. Mrkývková, V. Nádaždy, K. Vegso, A. Kálosi; PhD. students: M.A. Raza

Studies of optoelectronic nanostructures by optical and scanning-probe methods

N. Mrkývková, A. Hvizdošová Annušová, Y. Halahovets; PhD. students: Ayyanusamy Poongodi

Bioconjugated 2D materials for advanced theranostics

A. Hvizdošová Annušová, P. Šiffalovič, M. Hofbauerová, E. Majková; PhD. students: D.Truchan

Beam-shaping diffractive X-ray optics

M. Jergel, P. Nádaždy, K. Vegso

Characterization of materials by X-ray diffraction and X-ray reflectivity

P. Nádaždy, M. Jergel, Y. Halahovets

Characterization of organic semiconductors and solid-state electrolytes by electrical and electrochemical methods

V. Nádaždy, K. Gmucová

Chemical sensors of gaseous biomarkers and sensors for environmental monitoring

J. Ivančo, Š. Luby

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