Staff and Personal Pages
Dr. Rer. Nat. P. Šiffalovič, Ph.D. (Deputy Head)
RNDr. Katarína Gmucová, Ph.D.
Ing. Yuriy Halahovets, Ph.D.
RNDr. Monika Hofbauerova, Ph.D.
Mgr. Adriana Hvizdošová Annušová, Ph.D.
Ing. Ján Ivančo, Ph.D.
Ing. Anna Kálosi, Ph.D.
Prof. Ing. Š. Luby, Dr.Sc.
RNDr. Eva Majková, Dr.Sc.
RNDr. Naďa Mrkývková, Ph.D.
Mgr. Peter Nádaždy, Ph.D.
Ing. Vojtech Nádaždy, Ph.D.
Mgr. Karol Végsö, Ph.D.
MSc. Ayyanusamy Poongodi, PhD. student
MSc. Muhammad Arslan Raza, PhD. student
Mgr. Daniel Truchan, PhD. student
Research groups
Application of X-ray scattering to in-situ and in-operando time-resolved studies of perovskite photovoltaic structures and solid-state batteries
P. Šiffalovič, N. Mrkývková, V. Nádaždy, K. Vegso, A. Kálosi; PhD. students: M.A. Raza
- in-situ and in-operando grazing-incidence small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS, GIWAXS) at synchrotron and laboratory, optionally combined with time-resolved photoluminiscence and J-V curve measurements or charge-discharge cycling
Studies of optoelectronic nanostructures by optical and scanning-probe methods
N. Mrkývková, A. Hvizdošová Annušová, Y. Halahovets; PhD. students: Ayyanusamy Poongodi
- micro-Raman spectroscopy, Raman confocal imaging, scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM), Nano-FTIR spectroscopy, UV-vis-NIR spectroscopy, confocal fluorescence microscopy, spectroscopic and imaging ellipsometry, multimode AFM, bio-AFM, contact angle measurements, stylus profilometry, long-trace profiler
Bioconjugated 2D materials for advanced theranostics
A. Hvizdošová Annušová, P. Šiffalovič, M. Hofbauerová, E. Majková; PhD. students: D.Truchan
- development and testing of 2D bioconjugated functionalized nanoplatforms (graphene and MoS2 nanoflakes, MoOx nanodots) for targeted highly selective drug delivery and/or contrast imaging utilizing photothermal, photodynamic or magnetic hyperthermia effects
Beam-shaping diffractive X-ray optics
M. Jergel, P. Nádaždy, K. Vegso
- computer design, complex characterization and functional testing of V-shaped channel-cut X-ray monochromators for X-ray metrology and X-ray imaging prepared by scanning-type deterministic nanomachining
Characterization of materials by X-ray diffraction and X-ray reflectivity
P. Nádaždy, M. Jergel, Y. Halahovets
- phase and texture analyses of functional nanostructures and thin films in GIXRD and symmetrical reflection geometries using parallel beam optics, coplanar and non-coplanar X-ray reflectivity measurements up to 8 orders of magnitude
Characterization of organic semiconductors and solid-state electrolytes by electrical and electrochemical methods
V. Nádaždy, K. Gmucová
- cyclic and linear voltammetry, voltcoulometry for charge transfer studies of low-dimensional materials, energy-resolved electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for studies of electronic structure and mapping of DOS
Chemical sensors of gaseous biomarkers and sensors for environmental monitoring
J. Ivančo, Š. Luby
- highly-sensitive solid-state sensors of trace concentrations of gases and vapours with particular focus on monitoring of biomarkers of diseases (in exhaled breath) and environmental pollution
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