Institute of Physics of Slovak Academy of Sciences is opening one position (IPSAS fellowship) in one of the following areas:
- nuclear physics (Andrej Herzáň, andrej.herzan@savba.sk)
- nanomaterials (Matej Jergel, matej.jergel@savba.sk)
- theoretical superconductivity (Denis Kochan, denis.kochan@savba.sk)
Applicants are expected to have strong research experience in one of these fields relative to the length of their research career and they are eligible only if their total employment at the Institute of Physics SAS does not exceed 6 months in the last 3 years (counted from 01/02/2020). There is no age, or gender limitation, neither the preference. Applicants are eligible for submission after the preselection made by the research teams identified with research topics. Therefore the interested candidates should contact team leaders (identified above) before the call is closed.
The successful candidates in preselections should submit their applications (CV, list of publications, research statement) before 20/03/2023. The position is offered for one year (ending at latest on 31/08/2024, minimum of 6 months) with potential extension for another 12 months. The expected salary is starting from 1700 €/month, however, the income depends on the negotiations with the responsible team leaders.