Isospin, STructure, Reactions and energy Of Symmetry

Istros is the ancient name of the river Danube, flowing through Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia and the seat of the medieval university Academia Istropolitana. The conference of the same name, taking place in the wine-producing area of Little Carpathian hills in Bratislava's hinterland, aims at providing a platform for meeting of international and Slovak scientists active in the field of nuclear physics, specifically dealing with experimental and theoretical aspects of physics of exotic nuclei and states of nuclear matter.

© T. Balogh

Velky Rozsutec

© T. Balogh


© T. Balogh

Sliezsky dom

© T. Balogh

Slovak Paradise

© T. Balogh

Velicke Pleso

© T. Balogh

Devinska Kobyla

© T. Balogh

Little Fatra

© T. Balogh

Little Fatra

© T. Balogh

Popradske Pleso

© T. Balogh

Slovak Paradise

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Main Topics
Nuclear structure of heavy nuclei
Shape coexistence in atomic nuclei
Radioactive decay and structure of drip-line nuclei
Collective nuclear motion
Coulomb excitation
Reactions of rare isotope beams
Conversion electron spectroscopy

International Advisory Committee
To be announced

Local Organizing Committee
M. Venhart (Chairman)
A. Herzáň (Chairman)
M. Sedlák (Scientific secretary)
M. Balogh
A. Repko
V. Matoušek
G. Kantay
M. Bírová